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8 Tips on Effective Social Bookmarking

Monday, April 4, 2011

Social bookmarking is a way of promoting your blog, your online content and building a network of regular supporters and increase your readership. Here are the top 8 things you need to know to succeed in promoting your writing.
  1. Submit URL Only DoFollow social bookmarking sites - the only way to get Google indexes your bookmarks and treat them as backlinks is provided on the pages marked with the DoFollow.
  2. The use of alternative titles to favorites - writes a variety of titles keyworded well in the words and phrases in the importance of the content of the article, but the alternative to its original name, and add SEO potential.
  3. Insert an appropriate description for your favorites - again, use alternative terms that make your descriptions are informative and provide full information on Publish an article or blog that you are advertising to encourage people to click on - to avoid descriptions that are automatically generated text on the middle of it and basically just repeat your first paragraph.
  4. Insert Related tags - since, contrary to articles and blog entries, bookmarks are extremely short, use 1-3 related tags to repeat the keywords that you already use the title and description. Do not bother to add 20 keywords - they decrease your bookmarks available "to the path of sympathy from Google.
  5. Build your network and socialize - take part in the vote by leaving comments, and even the bookmarks of other people - a network of people who share the same interests. Avoid sending spam, but to attract some attention to your bookmarks - you might get blocked, banned, and, at least in such methods would never work in the long run.
  6. Group favorites in various social bookmarking sites - if you have something that branches and specialize in various related fields may be advisable to use multiple social bookmarking sites - each on a specific topic. It will be easier for you to keep your contributions and destination network are not exercising the markers are not interested favorite If after travel, gardening, and wildlife with a single account and a website could soon disciples lose patience with having to parse its contents to find something you want to read.
  7. Advertising on Social Bookmarks Profiles - to find new "friends" or "followers", directly to your blog - the use of "follow me" icons to your blog or website link to social bookmarking profiles, article directory, he tweet urged others to follow you - there are more people in the network, the easier it is your favorite Re Bookmark voted, and the cashier.
  8. Promotion of other writings on social bookmarking sites - not just markers, but also well written and informative pages that link to your profile on Facebook, Twitter, blogs - whatever. You can save a lot of success in this way. Many people still see markers "anonymous" and I think it's a big mistake. If the markers are interesting and useful, people might be interested in networking with you on other sites as well, you may want to follow your blog, etc. - to give them the opportunity.

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