Facebook’s advertising measurement tools have for a long time understated its demographics; however it appears that the site just hit the 600 million user mark.
Facebook added 100 mill users in just under 6 months, and of these users over one fifth of them were from the United States, which still remains the largest-represented country on face book.
Asia has also had growth since mid June last year, namely India, the Philippines and Indonesia Both Philippines & Indonesia are in the top 5 among countries represented on this site, but they also have a fraction of the number of users than in the United States.
However we are far more curious about whether this current fast pace of growth will continue, and if it does then for how long?
Can it move as fast as to say Facebook could reach 650 million users in March and 700 million in June this coming year? Growth in the United States is expected to calm down sometime in the near future and then the rest of the expansion will have to come from the other countries around the world. The very few of countries that face book hasn’t yet impacted seem to be the “swing votes” in concluding whether or not the current trajectory will continue?
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