Blog posts have been all the craze for quite some time and they have many internet marketing benefits but they have to be approached correctly. There are many search engine optimization elements that should be present with each blog post and it is important to realize this if you want your blog posts to go the extra mile.
Here are several top blog SEO techniques to use:
- URL Structures: Often times a blog post will use programming language that looks like a string of characters or the entire title of your blog post. Either one really doesn’t do much for your SEO. The entire title is better than the random characters but ultimately you want to pull out your most important words from your title or even use keywords tastefully if they apply to your post and use those for your URL structure.
- Internal Linking: If your blog is located on the URL or domain as your main website you can gain a great advantage by hyper linking keywords and linking them to some of you main product or service pages.
- Plugins: Most of the blogging platforms have a large variety of SEO related plugins that will complete some of the SEO work for you so you don’t have to think about it.
- Images: Images have a variety of advantages, everything from user experience to search engine marketing. Image search is a popular place to be visible in as well and by utilizing images in your posts and tagging them with keyword rich phrases in the alt tags you increase your chances of being visible in the photo search area.
- Meta Info: Many blogging platforms out there now allow you to write custom meta information for individual blog posts which is just another area you can entice the search engines to ping you into the search result space.
Blogging every week for all businesses is important but it is also important to blog correctly so you are always maximizing your efforts online. Take the time to go the extra step with your blog posts and over time you will see much more activity happening from your hard work.
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